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Top Blockchain Technology for Investment

Top Blockchain Technology for InvestmentBlockchain technology has the potential to change the world, from proxy voting methods to the way stock exchanges operate. Since the spread of blockchain, investors have increasingly turned to high-end and want to know how to profit from it. You can keep track of blockchain and cryptocurrency news to learn that there's a lot of exciting projects going on. While the choice of blockchain investment is limited compared to traditional... ❯❯❯

When Will Cryptos & Blockchain Really Explode?

Every day there is more news about what can, may, and should happen in the world of Crypto Currencies (CC's) and Blockchain. There has been significant investment, research, and lots of chatter, but the coins and the projects are still not mainstream. They have not yet delivered the explosive changes envisioned. Many ideas are being discussed and developed, but none have delivered big game-changing results. What may be needed is for... ❯❯❯

Blockchain & IoT - How "Crypto" Is Likely Going To Herald Industry 4.0

Whilst most people only started to learn about "blockchain" because of Bitcoin, its roots - and applications - go much deeper than that. Blockchain is a technology unto itself. It powers Bitcoin, and is essentially the reason why *so many* new ICO's have flooded the market - creating an "ICO" is ridiculously easy (no barriers to entry). The point of the system is to create a decentralized database - which essentially means that... ❯❯❯

How To Trade ICO Tokens Before They Are Listed On Exchanges

How To Trade ICO Tokens Before They Are Listed On ExchangesOne problem facing many ICO investors is that there is nowhere to trade their ICO tokens before they are listed on an exchange. Given that there's so many ICOs and so many ICO tokens, it's quite possible that our ICO tokens will never get listed on a big exchange such as Binance, CoinBase, Kraken or Bitfinex. But what should I do with my ICO tokens before they get listed by any exchange? Is there a way to trade them right now? ... ❯❯❯

Sbtech’s Tom Light to Establish New Blockchain and Gambling Venture

Sbtech’s Tom Light to Establish New Blockchain and Gambling VentureLondon, UK – 19 March 2018 Tom Light, Senior Vice-President of Business Development at SBTech, is to leave the group to establish a new business venture that will unite blockchain and gambling and leverage the power of the crypto-currency in a gaming and betting environment.  Tom Light joined SBTech in 2014 to lead its business development and commercial efforts and initiated the massive growth curve the group has experienced... ❯❯❯

CanYa​ ​Acquires​ ​Bountysource​ ​One​ ​Week​ ​Before​ ​Its​ ​ICO​ ​Closes

CanYa​ ​Acquires​ ​Bountysource​ ​One​ ​Week​ ​Before​ ​Its​ ​ICO​ ​ClosesSAN​ ​FRANCISCO,​ ​CA​ ​&​ ​MELBOURNE,​ ​AUSTRALIA​ ​--​ ​December​ ​20,​ ​2017​--​ CanYa​​ ​has​ ​again  raised​ ​the​ ​bar​ ​for​ ​ICOs​ ​following​ ​a​ ​major​ ​acquisition​ ​of​ Bountysource​​ ​and​ ​its​ ​passionate​ ​46,000  open-source​ ​developer​ ​community.​ ​In​ ​a​ ​world​ ​where​ ​most​ ​ICOs​ ​(and​ ​traded​ ​cryptocurrencies)  have​ ​no​ ​product​ ​or​ ​user-base,​ ​this​ ​move​ ​is​ ​unprecedented.​ ​Bountysource​... ❯❯❯

Live Music Platform Vibrate Is Ready for Global Expansion

Live Music Platform Vibrate Is Ready for Global ExpansionA blockchain-driven platform for live music industry, which raised 10.7 million dollars in September’s initial coin offering, is investing money into people and infrastructure, building its way for a global expansion. Meanwhile, VIB token has been integrated in popular Jaxx wallet and will soon be listed on a Changelly.com platform. The Slovenian-based company has recently moved into new offices where a team of more than 50 professiona... ❯❯❯